David C. Ward

Take me to the river
Wash me in the water. Let me dream
The dream of  life renewed
And then I fail instead . . .

Fallen from high distance
Scattered among far fields,
Encase me now in asphalt
And sluice me down with flame

Anneal the world of loss with pain
And buildings built of dread.
Stop up the river of all hearts
And disregard the dead.

DAVID C. WARD is an historian at the National Portrait Gallery, Smithsonian Institution. A small collection of his poetry, called Internal Difference, was published by Lintott/Carcanet in 2011.

Editorial Staff

Publisher and Managing Editor:
U.S. Dhuga (Toronto)
Editor: Ben Mazer (Boston)
Issue Editors: Mario Murgia (Mexico City), Flaminia Ocampo (Buenos Aires)
Associate Editor: Robert Archambeau (Chicago)
Contributing Editors:
Philip Nikolayev (Boston), Todd Swift (London), Peter Behrman de Sinéty (Paris), Ann Fallon (Dublin), Petya Ivanova (Geneva), Marcel Inhoff (Germany), Jeet Thayil (India), Dan Sociu (Romania), Angela D'Ambra (Italy)
Production Manager:
Zachary Bos (Pen & Anvil)

The Current Issue
