James Reidel

JAMES REIDEL is a poet, translator, and biographer. He will be the resident writer at the James Merrill House in Stonington, Connecticut, during the winter–spring 2013. There, he will continue work on a current projects, including a new book of poems, a novel, a Randfigur biography of Manon Gropius, the angel of Alban Berg’s Violin Concerto, and his translation work on Robert Walser’s drama and the poetry of Georg Trakl—and Franz Werfel, whose novels, The Forty Days of Musa Dagh and Pale Blue Ink in a Lady’s Hand, Reidel translated and were published by David R. Godine last year. Reidel is also the biographer of the poet Weldon Kees and he recently conducted an interview with the poet–novelist Kathleen Rooney about her collection of Robinson-inspired poems for Poetry online.

Editorial Staff

Publisher and Managing Editor:
U.S. Dhuga (Toronto)
Editor: Ben Mazer (Boston)
Issue Editors: Mario Murgia (Mexico City), Flaminia Ocampo (Buenos Aires)
Associate Editor: Robert Archambeau (Chicago)
Contributing Editors:
Philip Nikolayev (Boston), Todd Swift (London), Peter Behrman de Sinéty (Paris), Ann Fallon (Dublin), Petya Ivanova (Geneva), Marcel Inhoff (Germany), Jeet Thayil (India), Dan Sociu (Romania), Angela D'Ambra (Italy)
Production Manager:
Zachary Bos (Pen & Anvil)

The Current Issue
