Entry Is By The Wolf Door
Would that the gods were perfect. What
tribunal do we appeal to? Everybody
felt the rain. Everything comes in parables.
The Green One will help you on your
special mission. The oyster in your head
waxes and wanes with the moon. No
long teeth, no giants. Copper is restless
until it becomes Mercury. The god
of Mercury will help you negotiate the
guardian demons. Halfway through, Lucifer
lights the way. As Enkidu was tamed
by a temple prostitute. The temple-
builder replicates a curve like a rib. The
Shameer is able to carve stone. There
arose rocks of vermillion. Limpets off
the rock. The madness of the man fed
by ravens. I stroke the white eagle.
I come to ask one of the fourteen thousand
and seven secrets he bears in his bosom.
WHIT GRIFFIN is the author of Pentateuch (Skysill, 2010) and The Sixth Great Extinction (Skysill, 2012). His third collection, A Far-Shining Crystal, is forthcoming from Cultural Society. Recent poems appear or are forthcoming in Lungfull!, The Recluse and Golden Handcuffs Review.