Publisher and Managing Editor: U.S. Dhuga
Editor: Ben Mazer
Contributing Editors: Philip Nikolayev, Robert Archambeau (Chicago), Todd Swift (U.K.), Jeet Thayil (India), Peter Behrman-de Sinéty (France), Mario Murgia (Mexico), Flaminia Ocampo (Argentina)
Associate Editor and Foreign Correspondent: Allison Vanouse
Production Manager: Zachary Bos
"Two Poems" by Ernest Hilbert
"No Air and Anticipation" by Anne Fitzgerald
"Still Life and Ink" by Liza Katz
"What Would You Know?" by Jeet Thayil
"Three Poems" by Marc Vincenz
"The Flea & the Colt " by John Ebersole
"The Surgery" by Avinab B. Datta
"Untitled Poem" by Peter Behrman de Sinéty
"Two Poems" by Rob Chalfen
"Three Dark Love Sonnets, translated by Jorge Rodriguez-Miralles" by Federico García Lorca
"Two Poems" by Ruth Lepson
"Two Poems" by Sean Campbell
"Poems, translated by Allison Vanouse " by Guillame Apollinaire
"Three Poems" by Allison Vanouse
"Three Poems" by Pam Brown
"Notes Taken During A Grammar Lesson" by Anne Atik
"Formal Feelings and Other Poems" by David Blair
"Une Chienne Masonique…" by Ben Mazer
"The World As It Is" by Patrick Doud
"Night" by Joseph Lease
"Two Poems" by U.S. Dhuga
"Canto I (After Bunting)" by John Mulrooney
"Zaluzianskya" by Annie Freud
"God Held My Hand" by Kevin Gallagher
"Two Poems from Childhood" by Kit Schluter
"Four Poems" by Jim Dunn
"Rilke's Revenge" by Anthony Cuellar Jr.
"Three Poems from Spanish" by Mario Murgia
"The Last Words of the Love-Sick Time Machine Pilot" by Harry Man
"Four Poems" by Joshua Mehigan
"Two Poems" by Adrienne J. Odasso
"Eight Poems, translated by Philip Nikolayev" by Dennis Novikov
"Three Poems from Ravenna Diagram" by Henry Gould
"Salvaging Henry Reed" by Dan Sofaer
"The Letters of T. S. Eliot, Volume Two" by Saskia Hamilton
"A Thing of Beauty is a Joy For Ever: Thoughts on the Crisis in the Humanities" by Cassandra Nelson
"Lady of the Sonnets" by James Dempsey
"Thomas, Frost, and the Quiet Revolution in English Poetry" by Richard Tillinghast
"Our America" by Flaminia Ocampo
"Little Gnat" by Leslie Hodgkins
"Philip Nikolayev’s Embedded Sonnets: The Combinatorics of Context" by Larissa Shmailo
"Poetry: What’s Next? A Symposium" by Robert Archambeau, Stephen Burt, and Ben Mazer
"The Letters of T. S. Eliot, Volumes Three and Four" by Marjorie Perloff
"Report to the Rockefeller Foundation: 1954" by R. P. Blackmur, edited and introduced by Allison Vanouse
"The Deep Minimalism of Ian Hamilton Finlay" by Marjorie Perloff
"Camping the Fascists: W.H. Auden's The Orators" by Robert Archambeau
"Less Funny: The Letters of Young Tom Eliot" by Robert Archambeau
"Letters, with Poems, to Michael Rumaker, 1955-58" by John Wieners, edited by Michael Seth Stewart
"What Are Masterpieces and Why Are There So Many?" by Bill Berkson