Here is the second issue of The Battersea Review. Our next issue will feature essays on Jonathan Edwards, by John Howard; T.S. Eliot and F.H. Bradley, by Raymond Barfield; on Eliot and class, by Robert Archambeau; on aesthetics, by D.M. Stewart; on the cultural history of aeronautics, by Allison Vanouse; on Edgar Allan Poe and the sublime, by Thomas Graves; on the nature of screen reading, by Cassandra Nelson; on Lorca's gypsy ballads, by Mario Murgia; on Ben Mazer's "The King", by Ann Fallon; and other topics. The issue will also include a long essay on Harvard and Yale poetry culture between the World Wars, by Ben Mazer; translations of Mandelshtam and Pushkin by Philip Nikolayev; translations of Sophocles, by U.S. Dhuga; and poetry by John Hennessy, Alexei Tsvetkov, Katia Kapovich, and many others.
USD & BM, 28 February 2013
Publisher and Managing Editor: U.S. Dhuga
Editor: Ben Mazer
Editorial Assistant: Allison Vanouse
Contributing Editors: Philip Nikolayev (U.S.), Todd Swift (U.K.), Jeet Thayil (India), Peter Behrman de Sinéty (France), Mario Murgia (Mexico)
Production Manager: Zachary Bos
Production Assistant: Andrew Chenevert
"Soviet Pastoral" by Adam Fitzgerald
"THE KOH-INOOR, Nineteen Forty-Two, and other poems" by Anand Thakore
"Catachresis My Love, and The Lie of Art" by Charles Bernstein
"At Dawn: Eurydice" by Daniel Evans Pritchard
"Anti-Hymn/Antonym: A Prophecy" by David C. Ward
"Tomboy, Pampliset Redux, and other poems" by Gerard Malanga
"Crossing" by J. Robert Oppenheimer
"Notes to Nellie L., and other poems" by James Reidel
"Goat Herder (Cabrero)" by Mario Murgia
"Three Poems" by Peter Behrman de Sinéty & Petya Ivanova
"Rilke's Russian Poems" by Rilke, translated by Philip Nikolayev
"Rain Begins, From A Letter, and other poems" by Saskia Hamilton
"Ghosts In Poems" by Todd Swift
"Two Poems" by U. S. Dhuga
"After Eden, The Midwife Toad, and other poems" by William Logan
"With Landis Everson" by Bill Berkson
"In Search of Lost Jazz: Boston 1965" by Rob Chalfen
"Secret Beyond The Door" by Geoffrey O'Brien
"Ruin and Desire" by Brendan Lorber
"The Failure of W.B. Yeats: Aesthetics, Unity of Being, and the Tragedy of Minority Culture" by Robert Archambeau
"Bill Berkson's Memoirs" by Bill Berkson
"On Wallace Berman" by David Meltzer
"Authority and the Nature of Poetry" by Ben Mazer
"Night Thoughts " by Adam Kirsch
"The Irreducible Author" by Philip Nikolayev
"Gender Binary in Lynette Roberts’ ‘Gods With Stainless Ears’" by Josephine Weinberger
"John Cage: Conceptualist Poet" by Marjorie Perloff
"A Philosophical Review of Tales of the Buckman Tavern" by D.M. Stewart